文字方塊: Length of the 3' UTR
文字方塊: Name of target gene
文字方塊: NM Accession number of target gene
矩形圖說文字: 雲朵形圖說文字: User may sort the candidates according to ID, score, core MFE., NP or Known miRNA.
橢圓形圖說文字: After pressing 5P_arm or 3P_arm, the sequence of this candidate will be pasted in the search box. Users may search target genes in the 3' UTRs belonging to either human, mouse, rat, zebrafish, rice or Arabidopsis. 
矩形圖說文字: 文字方塊: .
文字方塊: .
文字方塊: .
文字方塊: .
文字方塊: Human herpesvirus 4 (371) 
矩形圖說文字: 雲朵形圖說文字: OR, by expending the hierarchical menu 

矩形圖說文字: 圓角矩形圖說文字: Users may query the putative miRNAs of a specific virus by typing the GenBank Identifier or RefSeq accession number in the Search box (e.g. 30844336 or NC_003663 for Cowpox virus).