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ID | Location | Perfect MFE.* | RefSeq Acc. | strand | Start Position | R_P_ratio# | P value |
Predicted miRNA align pattern | |||||||
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 64148 | 0.66 | 0.988553 |
Target: 5'- aCAUUauGGCGGGgagUGUCGGGUCgGgucGGg -3' miRNA: 3'- -GUAG--UCGCUCaa-GCAGCUCAGgCa--CC- -5' |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 101382 | 0.66 | 0.988553 |
Target: 5'- gCGUCGGCGAGgaaGUUGAcGg-CGUGGu -3' miRNA: 3'- -GUAGUCGCUCaagCAGCU-CagGCACC- -5' |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 32063 | 0.66 | 0.987051 |
Target: 5'- -cUCGGCG---UCGUCGcggGGcCCGUGGg -3' miRNA: 3'- guAGUCGCucaAGCAGC---UCaGGCACC- -5' |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 95990 | 0.67 | 0.971951 |
Target: 5'- cCGUCGGCGGGgaCG-CG-GUCCGccGGa -3' miRNA: 3'- -GUAGUCGCUCaaGCaGCuCAGGCa-CC- -5' |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 144416 | 0.67 | 0.971951 |
Target: 5'- uCAUCAGCGAGcauauacUGUCGGcccUCCGUGa -3' miRNA: 3'- -GUAGUCGCUCaa-----GCAGCUc--AGGCACc -5' |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 4983 | 0.68 | 0.965931 |
Target: 5'- ---aGGCGGGggCGaCGGGUCCG-GGu -3' miRNA: 3'- guagUCGCUCaaGCaGCUCAGGCaCC- -5' |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 105283 | 0.68 | 0.95128 |
Target: 5'- aCGUCGGCcucuacUUCGUCG-GUgCCGUGGg -3' miRNA: 3'- -GUAGUCGcuc---AAGCAGCuCA-GGCACC- -5' |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 41483 | 0.68 | 0.95128 |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 81987 | 0.68 | 0.949615 |
Target: 5'- ---gGGCGGGggcCGUCGAGgagcugggcguggCCGUGGa -3' miRNA: 3'- guagUCGCUCaa-GCAGCUCa------------GGCACC- -5' |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 37283 | 0.69 | 0.942575 |
Target: 5'- --gCAGCGGGUgggccguguccgUCGcCGGaUCCGUGGg -3' miRNA: 3'- guaGUCGCUCA------------AGCaGCUcAGGCACC- -5' |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 70746 | 0.69 | 0.932918 |
Target: 5'- --cCAGCGAGgagUCGucugaugcgucaUCGAGUUCGUcGGg -3' miRNA: 3'- guaGUCGCUCa--AGC------------AGCUCAGGCA-CC- -5' |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 35014 | 0.69 | 0.927727 |
Target: 5'- gGUCGGCGAGcUCGgCGGGggcCCGgGGg -3' miRNA: 3'- gUAGUCGCUCaAGCaGCUCa--GGCaCC- -5' |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 113255 | 0.7 | 0.916622 |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 139938 | 0.7 | 0.891544 |
Target: 5'- gGUCGGCGGGUUCuGgggCGGGgggCCG-GGa -3' miRNA: 3'- gUAGUCGCUCAAG-Ca--GCUCa--GGCaCC- -5' |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 43506 | 0.7 | 0.891544 |
Target: 5'- cCAUCAGCGAGgggggCGU-GGGUCCGccgcGGc -3' miRNA: 3'- -GUAGUCGCUCaa---GCAgCUCAGGCa---CC- -5' |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 42054 | 0.71 | 0.887459 |
Target: 5'- cCGUCAGCGAGUUCGugcaggugaagcacaUCGAccgcGUCCGc-- -3' miRNA: 3'- -GUAGUCGCUCAAGC---------------AGCU----CAGGCacc -5' |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 44099 | 0.81 | 0.379365 |
Target: 5'- cCAUCgccgAGCGAGUcugggUCGUCGGGUCCGgGGg -3' miRNA: 3'- -GUAG----UCGCUCA-----AGCAGCUCAGGCaCC- -5' |
21379 | 3' | -52.6 | NC_004812.1 | + | 144161 | 1.12 | 0.005123 |
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When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.
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