miRNA display CGI

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ID Location Perfect MFE.* RefSeq Acc. strand Start Position R_P_ratio# P value
Predicted miRNA align pattern
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 99700 0.66 0.999789
Target:  5'- aACAAGCga-----GCGCGCuGACGCa -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UGUUUGaguauuaCGCGCGuUUGCGc -5'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 48416 0.66 0.999654
Target:  5'- cACGGGgUCA--AUGCGCuGCcAACGCa -3'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 104086 0.66 0.999654
Target:  5'- gGCcGGCUCGUugugacgccAUGUGCGgGGGCGCu -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UGuUUGAGUAu--------UACGCGCgUUUGCGc -5'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 110712 0.66 0.999729
Target:  5'- cGCGuGCgCAacgguGUGCGCGCAGAgCGCu -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UGUuUGaGUau---UACGCGCGUUU-GCGc -5'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 56728 0.66 0.999729
Target:  5'- cGCGccuCUUAUcAUGCGCG-AAACGCa -3'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 15413 0.66 0.999789
Target:  5'- uUAAAUgagUAUGAUGCGCGUggAGugGCc -3'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 39522 0.66 0.999789
Target:  5'- uCAAACUCAacaucgauUGUGCGCAAcCGUu -3'
miRNA:   3'- uGUUUGAGUauu-----ACGCGCGUUuGCGc -5'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 74736 0.66 0.999789
Target:  5'- cGCAGuccaugGC-CGUuuUGUGCGUAAACGCc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UGUU------UGaGUAuuACGCGCGUUUGCGc -5'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 11389 0.66 0.999789
Target:  5'- aGCaAGugUUuu-GUGCGCGCAGaaaaaacuguauACGCGa -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UG-UUugAGuauUACGCGCGUU------------UGCGC- -5'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 52050 0.66 0.999561
Target:  5'- -----gUCGUAGUGaauGCGCAuGACGCGa -3'
miRNA:   3'- uguuugAGUAUUACg--CGCGU-UUGCGC- -5'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 12908 0.66 0.999561
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 45093 0.66 0.999448
Target:  5'- cGCGAcuugcucugccACUCGcgg-GCGCGC-GACGCGu -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UGUU-----------UGAGUauuaCGCGCGuUUGCGC- -5'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 2334 0.66 0.999561
Target:  5'- cGCAAACUaaacuugAUGAaGCGCGCGcuCGCc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UGUUUGAg------UAUUaCGCGCGUuuGCGc -5'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 81238 0.66 0.999729
Target:  5'- -aAGugUCGUGuuUGaCGUGCAAAUGCa -3'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 46884 0.66 0.999561
Target:  5'- uCAGGCUgGUGGUG-GCGC--GCGUGg -3'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 42359 0.66 0.999729
Target:  5'- ---cACUCGUuGUaGCGCGCGu-CGCGu -3'
miRNA:   3'- uguuUGAGUAuUA-CGCGCGUuuGCGC- -5'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 128937 0.66 0.999561
Target:  5'- aACGu-CUUAUAuuuuaggGCGCGCGAuCGCGu -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UGUuuGAGUAUua-----CGCGCGUUuGCGC- -5'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 88935 0.67 0.99931
Target:  5'- -aAAGCUUGUGgacAUGCGCGagcACGCGu -3'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 90143 0.67 0.998943
Target:  5'- aACAAAUcgcuauacuuuUCAUAGUuugGCGCGUGcAACGCGu -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UGUUUG-----------AGUAUUA---CGCGCGU-UUGCGC- -5'
22942 5' -46.9 NC_005137.2 + 94275 0.67 0.998943
Target:  5'- cCGAugUUGUGugugGCGCGCGAguuuaauuguuuGCGCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- uGUUugAGUAUua--CGCGCGUU------------UGCGC- -5'
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      When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.

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