miRNA display CGI

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ID Location Perfect MFE.* RefSeq Acc. strand Start Position R_P_ratio# P value
Predicted miRNA align pattern
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 63063 0.67 0.440678
Target:  5'- cCGGcaCGUCAucGCGGGCgaguaugcgGCGGCGUGCa -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCUcaGCAGU--CGCUCG---------CGCCGCGCGc -5'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 46903 0.67 0.422538
Target:  5'- gCGGG-CGgugCGGUGugguGCGgccCGGCGCGCGg -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCUCaGCa--GUCGCu---CGC---GCCGCGCGC- -5'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 10567 0.67 0.422538
Target:  5'- gCGcAGcCG-CAGCGuaccgcggagcAGCGCGGCGCgaGCGg -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GC-UCaGCaGUCGC-----------UCGCGCCGCG--CGC- -5'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 27276 0.67 0.422538
Target:  5'- gGGGuUCGaCAGCaacaucauGAGCGCGGCGaGCa -3'
miRNA:   3'- gCUC-AGCaGUCG--------CUCGCGCCGCgCGc -5'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 36244 0.67 0.416295
Target:  5'- uCGAGaaguuugacaagaUCGUCAcCGAugcagaugcgugggcGCGCGGCGaCGCGa -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCUC-------------AGCAGUcGCU---------------CGCGCCGC-GCGC- -5'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 30864 0.67 0.413637
Target:  5'- gGAGcgaUCGUgaaggcgcUGGCGAGCGuCGcGCGUGCGa -3'
miRNA:   3'- gCUC---AGCA--------GUCGCUCGC-GC-CGCGCGC- -5'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 38670 0.67 0.412754
Target:  5'- aGGGUCGgacaagCAGCGcgccAGCucauccuccgugaGCGGCGCGUc -3'
miRNA:   3'- gCUCAGCa-----GUCGC----UCG-------------CGCCGCGCGc -5'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 21803 0.67 0.408353
Target:  5'- gCGGGcguUCGUC-GCGuucuGCGCGGCggugucaggcaacagGCGCGg -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCUC---AGCAGuCGCu---CGCGCCG---------------CGCGC- -5'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 50646 0.67 0.404853
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 57489 0.67 0.396187
Target:  5'- aCGAGaggCGgcCGGCGAGCGCaagaaGGCG-GCGa -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCUCa--GCa-GUCGCUCGCG-----CCGCgCGC- -5'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 34394 0.67 0.396187
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 50924 0.67 0.396187
Target:  5'- aCGAG-CGUCAcCGuGCaCGGCaGCGCGa -3'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 13215 0.67 0.439761
Target:  5'- cCGGGUUGagcggCAGCGGGCucgggcuGCGGUugaacggguGCGCGa -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCUCAGCa----GUCGCUCG-------CGCCG---------CGCGC- -5'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 32601 0.67 0.396187
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 52142 0.67 0.396187
Target:  5'- --uGUCGuUCuGgGAG-GCGGCGCGCa -3'
miRNA:   3'- gcuCAGC-AGuCgCUCgCGCCGCGCGc -5'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 8231 0.67 0.404853
Target:  5'- uGAGcUGUCGGCGAagcucgaaGC-CGaGCGCGCGa -3'
miRNA:   3'- gCUCaGCAGUCGCU--------CGcGC-CGCGCGC- -5'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 56332 0.67 0.413637
Target:  5'- uCGAaaagCGUCuGGuCGAGgGCGGCGUGCc -3'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 20487 0.68 0.387643
Target:  5'- gCGAGUgCGUaaucGCGcgcaccaucGGCGCGGCGCucGCGa -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCUCA-GCAgu--CGC---------UCGCGCCGCG--CGC- -5'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 7524 0.68 0.387643
Target:  5'- uCGGGcagguUCGGCGGcGCGuCGGCGCGCu -3'
23951 5' -61.1 NC_005262.1 + 57935 0.68 0.346775
Target:  5'- -cGGUCG-CGGCauucaacguggaGGGCGCGaGCGCGCu -3'
miRNA:   3'- gcUCAGCaGUCG------------CUCGCGC-CGCGCGc -5'
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      When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.

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