miRNA display CGI

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ID Location Perfect MFE.* RefSeq Acc. strand Start Position R_P_ratio# P value
Predicted miRNA align pattern
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 24815 0.67 0.343862
Target:  5'- gCGCGUauucggccuauacGGCCgGCGgcaaCGGCGGUG-CCGGu -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCGCG-------------UCGG-CGCa---GCCGCUACaGGCU- -5'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 40522 0.67 0.352737
Target:  5'- gCGCGUGGcCCGCaUUacaagGGCGAUGUgCGAg -3'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 32744 0.67 0.352737
Target:  5'- aCGCGCuGCCGCuugcgCGGCGcaAUGcgaCCGAc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCGCGuCGGCGca---GCCGC--UACa--GGCU- -5'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 27526 0.67 0.352737
Target:  5'- uCGCGguGCC-CGUCGGCacgG-CCGGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCGCguCGGcGCAGCCGcuaCaGGCU- -5'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 9208 0.67 0.352737
Target:  5'- aCGgGCGGCgCuCGUaCGGCGcgcgguacGUGUCCGAc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCgCGUCG-GcGCA-GCCGC--------UACAGGCU- -5'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 44805 0.68 0.33202
Target:  5'- cCGCGCGGCCGCGcccaggcaagaaaaCGGCGGacUgCGAg -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCGCGUCGGCGCa-------------GCCGCUacAgGCU- -5'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 13567 0.68 0.306299
Target:  5'- gGCGCGGCaCGag-CGGCG-UGUCCa- -3'
miRNA:   3'- gCGCGUCG-GCgcaGCCGCuACAGGcu -5'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 27378 0.68 0.313703
Target:  5'- gGCGCGGCgGCGgcCGGCGcgcUGaCCGGc -3'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 3559 0.68 0.306299
Target:  5'- cCGCGCAG-CGCGUCGGcCGAccacaucGUUCGc -3'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 18906 0.68 0.321241
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 28976 0.68 0.335934
Target:  5'- aCGCGCAagcGCCcggcgauGCGcUCGGCGcgG-CCGAc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCGCGU---CGG-------CGC-AGCCGCuaCaGGCU- -5'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 17763 0.68 0.328913
Target:  5'- aGCGCGGCCGCGcUCGGCa-------- -3'
miRNA:   3'- gCGCGUCGGCGC-AGCCGcuacaggcu -5'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 38564 0.68 0.321241
Target:  5'- cCGCGagcGCCGCGUCGGuCGcUG-CCGc -3'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 39724 0.68 0.299031
Target:  5'- gGCGCgGGCCGCGUCgaccuGGCGAgcgaaCUGAa -3'
miRNA:   3'- gCGCG-UCGGCGCAG-----CCGCUaca--GGCU- -5'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 2695 0.69 0.258218
Target:  5'- uCGCGCGGCCGC-UCGGCaGGUG-Ca-- -3'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 30935 0.69 0.26469
Target:  5'- aCGCGCgAGCUGCGcauucggcuucUCGGCcGUG-CCGAc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCGCG-UCGGCGC-----------AGCCGcUACaGGCU- -5'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 46684 0.69 0.291896
Target:  5'- gCGCGCAGCCaaGgCGGCGcgcgCCGAc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCGCGUCGGcgCaGCCGCuacaGGCU- -5'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 18559 0.69 0.26469
Target:  5'- uCGCGCAGCC-CGgcacCGGUGgcGUCCc- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCGCGUCGGcGCa---GCCGCuaCAGGcu -5'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 41549 0.69 0.258218
Target:  5'- aCGCGCGgcgcGCCGUGgCGGCGAUG--CGAg -3'
24166 3' -60.7 NC_005263.2 + 43052 0.69 0.271293
Target:  5'- gGCGCgacaauGGcCCGCGUUGGCGG-GUuuGAu -3'
miRNA:   3'- gCGCG------UC-GGCGCAGCCGCUaCAggCU- -5'
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      When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.

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