miRNA display CGI

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ID Location Perfect MFE.* RefSeq Acc. strand Start Position R_P_ratio# P value
Predicted miRNA align pattern
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 74892 0.65 0.868034
Target:  5'- cCUGCcgGCGGGcuggucGGACcuccccgaggccguuCGGGGGGCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGACGa-CGUUC------UCUGuu-------------GCCCCCCGC- -5'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 32084 0.65 0.868034
Target:  5'- -aUGCggUGCAgccagagaaucacaGGAGACGAgGGGauGGGCGu -3'
miRNA:   3'- agACG--ACGU--------------UCUCUGUUgCCC--CCCGC- -5'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 74747 0.66 0.862799
Target:  5'- -aUGCU-CGAGGGAgcGCGGGagcGGGCGa -3'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 3340 0.66 0.862799
Target:  5'- cUCcgGCcGCGGGGGGCuGGCGGGccGGGCc -3'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 34774 0.66 0.862043
Target:  5'- --gGCgggGCGguucgggGGGGGgGGgGGGGGGCGg -3'
miRNA:   3'- agaCGa--CGU-------UCUCUgUUgCCCCCCGC- -5'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 134614 0.66 0.855146
Target:  5'- --cGgUGCAGcAGaACGAgGGGGGGCa -3'
miRNA:   3'- agaCgACGUUcUC-UGUUgCCCCCCGc -5'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 147875 0.66 0.855146
Target:  5'- cUCUGUUGUuu---GCAA-GGGGGGCGg -3'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 90510 0.66 0.847293
Target:  5'- --gGCccgGCGAccucaaacacGAGACGACGGGGgaGGCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- agaCGa--CGUU----------CUCUGUUGCCCC--CCGC- -5'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 29179 0.66 0.844899
Target:  5'- --aGUUGCGGgggcgcccccccucGAGAgGACGGGGGGa- -3'
miRNA:   3'- agaCGACGUU--------------CUCUgUUGCCCCCCgc -5'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 113965 0.66 0.84168
Target:  5'- gCUGCUGCAcaacacccaggcccgAGccgcggacgccgcGGAUGAccggccgcacCGGGGGGCGg -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGACGACGU---------------UC-------------UCUGUU----------GCCCCCCGC- -5'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 23918 0.66 0.839246
Target:  5'- gCUGCcggGCGAG-GACcuggccGGCGGcGGGGCc -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGACGa--CGUUCuCUG------UUGCC-CCCCGc -5'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 2779 0.66 0.839246
Target:  5'- cCUGCgccgcgGCGGcccGGGGCGccGCGGGcuGGGCGg -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGACGa-----CGUU---CUCUGU--UGCCC--CCCGC- -5'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 151104 0.66 0.831012
Target:  5'- --gGUcGCGGGGGuc-GCGGGGGGCu -3'
miRNA:   3'- agaCGaCGUUCUCuguUGCCCCCCGc -5'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 121799 0.66 0.831012
Target:  5'- --cGuCUGCAAGAGGuCGuCGGGGGaCGg -3'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 62275 0.66 0.831012
Target:  5'- --gGCaGCAGGGGAgAGCGuGGGacGGCGa -3'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 24997 0.67 0.822599
Target:  5'- -gUGCUGUAAcGGGCcggGACGGggcGGGGCGc -3'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 133827 0.67 0.822599
Target:  5'- -gUGCUgGCGGGAGuaugggGCGAgGGGGGGa- -3'
miRNA:   3'- agACGA-CGUUCUC------UGUUgCCCCCCgc -5'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 55581 0.67 0.814014
Target:  5'- gUUUGggGuCGGGgguGGACGugGGGGGGCu -3'
miRNA:   3'- -AGACgaC-GUUC---UCUGUugCCCCCCGc -5'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 36640 0.67 0.805265
Target:  5'- cCUGCcaggugGCGuuGAGGCAguaAgGGGGGGCc -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGACGa-----CGUu-CUCUGU---UgCCCCCCGc -5'
5967 3' -57.3 NC_001806.1 + 28200 0.67 0.805265
Target:  5'- gUCUGggGCGccauauugGGGGGCGccauauUGGGGGGCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -AGACgaCGU--------UCUCUGUu-----GCCCCCCGC- -5'
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      When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.

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