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ID | Location | Perfect MFE.* | RefSeq Acc. | strand | Start Position | R_P_ratio# | P value |
Predicted miRNA align pattern | |||||||
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 135247 | 0.66 | 0.864452 |
Target: 5'- uCGAGGcCGUCGUCcgCGccgcGCUCGACGa -3' miRNA: 3'- -GCUCCaGCAGCGGaaGCc---CGGGCUGU- -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 184769 | 0.66 | 0.864452 |
Target: 5'- cCGuGGUCGUCGaCCccgaggaCGuGGCCCGGg- -3' miRNA: 3'- -GCuCCAGCAGC-GGaa-----GC-CCGGGCUgu -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 159364 | 0.66 | 0.864452 |
Target: 5'- uCGGGGUCGgggCGUCccauucgCGGGUCCcGCGg -3' miRNA: 3'- -GCUCCAGCa--GCGGaa-----GCCCGGGcUGU- -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 21896 | 0.66 | 0.860188 |
Target: 5'- gCGAGGgaaaacgagcacgucUCGUCGCCgcuacggaGGGCgaCGACGu -3' miRNA: 3'- -GCUCC---------------AGCAGCGGaag-----CCCGg-GCUGU- -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 30424 | 0.66 | 0.857309 |
Target: 5'- gCGGGcGUCGUCGCggccCUgaacgCGGGCCUGcCc -3' miRNA: 3'- -GCUC-CAGCAGCG----GAa----GCCCGGGCuGu -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 33708 | 0.66 | 0.857309 |
Target: 5'- --cGGcCGUCGCCcccUCGGGCUCGcCc -3' miRNA: 3'- gcuCCaGCAGCGGa--AGCCCGGGCuGu -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 214262 | 0.66 | 0.857309 |
Target: 5'- cCGAGGaguuccgcUGUCGCCUggcCuGGCCCGAgGg -3' miRNA: 3'- -GCUCCa-------GCAGCGGAa--GcCCGGGCUgU- -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 105094 | 0.66 | 0.857309 |
Target: 5'- -cGGGUCGacgUGUCUcccCGGGuCCCGGCAg -3' miRNA: 3'- gcUCCAGCa--GCGGAa--GCCC-GGGCUGU- -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 157132 | 0.66 | 0.857309 |
Target: 5'- uCGGGG--GUCGgCggCGGGCCCGGg- -3' miRNA: 3'- -GCUCCagCAGCgGaaGCCCGGGCUgu -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 3162 | 0.66 | 0.849987 |
Target: 5'- cCGccGUCGUCGCCcgCGGccucccgucGCUCGACGc -3' miRNA: 3'- -GCucCAGCAGCGGaaGCC---------CGGGCUGU- -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 105599 | 0.66 | 0.849987 |
Target: 5'- gCGcGGUCGa-GCCgcacgccCGGGUCCGACGc -3' miRNA: 3'- -GCuCCAGCagCGGaa-----GCCCGGGCUGU- -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 6386 | 0.66 | 0.849987 |
Target: 5'- cCGuGGUCGUCGCga-CGGGCagggaggCGGCGg -3' miRNA: 3'- -GCuCCAGCAGCGgaaGCCCGg------GCUGU- -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 67637 | 0.66 | 0.849987 |
Target: 5'- gCGAcacGGUCGUCcacggGCCcccggacgCGGGCUCGACc -3' miRNA: 3'- -GCU---CCAGCAG-----CGGaa------GCCCGGGCUGu -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 3704 | 0.66 | 0.842492 |
Target: 5'- gGAGGUCGacccggUCGCUcccCGGGUCgGACu -3' miRNA: 3'- gCUCCAGC------AGCGGaa-GCCCGGgCUGu -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 82265 | 0.66 | 0.842492 |
Target: 5'- cCGucGUCGUCGCCcccgucgagggUCGGGUCgaggCGACGg -3' miRNA: 3'- -GCucCAGCAGCGGa----------AGCCCGG----GCUGU- -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 85211 | 0.66 | 0.842492 |
Target: 5'- -cGGGUCGUCGUCcUCGcucGCCCGGa- -3' miRNA: 3'- gcUCCAGCAGCGGaAGCc--CGGGCUgu -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 156996 | 0.66 | 0.83483 |
Target: 5'- --cGGcCGcCG-CUUCGGGCCCGAg- -3' miRNA: 3'- gcuCCaGCaGCgGAAGCCCGGGCUgu -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 142267 | 0.66 | 0.83483 |
Target: 5'- --cGGUCGUCGUC--CGGGCCgggGACGg -3' miRNA: 3'- gcuCCAGCAGCGGaaGCCCGGg--CUGU- -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 217604 | 0.66 | 0.827006 |
Target: 5'- gGGGGUCGUCGgCgacUCGGGC--GGCGc -3' miRNA: 3'- gCUCCAGCAGCgGa--AGCCCGggCUGU- -5' |
9013 | 3' | -60.2 | NC_002512.2 | + | 126946 | 0.66 | 0.827006 |
Target: 5'- cCGcGGacucCGUCGCCUguuacgaccUgGGGCCCGugGc -3' miRNA: 3'- -GCuCCa---GCAGCGGA---------AgCCCGGGCugU- -5' |
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When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.
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