miRNA display CGI

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ID Location Perfect MFE.* RefSeq Acc. strand Start Position R_P_ratio# P value
Predicted miRNA align pattern
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 116690 0.67 0.958664
Target:  5'- -cCGGCuccCGCUCGCG-GAGCGGaCGGc -3'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 115472 0.68 0.92295
Target:  5'- -cUGGCGCagaGCUCGCAGgccaaccuGGGCGaGUCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- gaGCCGCG---UGAGCGUU--------UUCGC-CAGCu -5'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 115457 0.66 0.962139
Target:  5'- gCUCGuuccGCGgACcgCGUggGAGCcGGUCGAg -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GAGC----CGCgUGa-GCGuuUUCG-CCAGCU- -5'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 113653 0.66 0.976253
Target:  5'- gUUGGCGCggccgGC-CGCGAGGGUgcgcgcgGGUCGGa -3'
miRNA:   3'- gAGCCGCG-----UGaGCGUUUUCG-------CCAGCU- -5'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 113058 0.66 0.971333
Target:  5'- gUCGGagcCGCACgaggGCc-AGGCGGUCGAc -3'
miRNA:   3'- gAGCC---GCGUGag--CGuuUUCGCCAGCU- -5'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 112939 0.66 0.974006
Target:  5'- -gUGGCGCGCgagccCGCGGAccgGGUCGAa -3'
miRNA:   3'- gaGCCGCGUGa----GCGUUUucgCCAGCU- -5'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 110251 0.66 0.968171
Target:  5'- aUCGGCuuauaaaGCGCcgCGCuGGGGCGGgaggCGAg -3'
miRNA:   3'- gAGCCG-------CGUGa-GCGuUUUCGCCa---GCU- -5'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 108573 0.77 0.488824
Target:  5'- -cCGGUGCugUCGCugugguuccgggcgGAGAGCGGUCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- gaGCCGCGugAGCG--------------UUUUCGCCAGCu -5'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 108324 0.75 0.608391
Target:  5'- -gCGGCGCGCg-GCG--GGCGGUCGGc -3'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 107719 0.72 0.774231
Target:  5'- -gUGGCGCAggUCGCAGAGGUGGgugCGGu -3'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 107065 0.66 0.976494
Target:  5'- -gCGGCcucCAuCUCGUucucGGGGGCGGUCGGg -3'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 106773 0.67 0.954977
Target:  5'- uCUCGGCccgcgGCACUgGUcgGGGUcggGGUCGAc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GAGCCG-----CGUGAgCGuuUUCG---CCAGCU- -5'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 106231 0.68 0.933232
Target:  5'- -gCGGCGCGCgCGCGGGAaccGCGG-CGc -3'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 105677 0.68 0.936138
Target:  5'- -aCGGCGCgguACUCGCGGugccucuguccccGGCGGaCGAg -3'
miRNA:   3'- gaGCCGCG---UGAGCGUUu------------UCGCCaGCU- -5'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 104353 0.66 0.974006
Target:  5'- -gCGGCG-GCUCGCuu-GGUGGaUCGGu -3'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 104279 0.67 0.954977
Target:  5'- -cCGGCGUcuuuCUCGCGuccGGCGG-CGGg -3'
miRNA:   3'- gaGCCGCGu---GAGCGUuu-UCGCCaGCU- -5'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 103660 0.67 0.954597
Target:  5'- cCUCGGCGgcCACgagcgccucgacgUCGCAGAgGGCGG-CGGa -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GAGCCGC--GUG-------------AGCGUUU-UCGCCaGCU- -5'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 102474 0.72 0.736815
Target:  5'- --gGGCGCGCccgUCGCGGuGGCGGUCc- -3'
miRNA:   3'- gagCCGCGUG---AGCGUUuUCGCCAGcu -5'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 102284 0.71 0.818214
Target:  5'- gCUCGGCGCGCgucgacCGCcAGGGCGacGUCGc -3'
9205 5' -55.1 NC_002512.2 + 101976 0.67 0.958305
Target:  5'- -cCGGCGgGCUCGUGGccgauccGA-CGGUCGAg -3'
miRNA:   3'- gaGCCGCgUGAGCGUU-------UUcGCCAGCU- -5'
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      When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.

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