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ID | Location | Perfect MFE.* | RefSeq Acc. | strand | Start Position | R_P_ratio# | P value |
Predicted miRNA align pattern | |||||||
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 202280 | 0.66 | 0.839703 |
Target: 5'- cUCCGCgCUGUgggaccGGGGCGCcgUGCCg -3' miRNA: 3'- -AGGCG-GACGaguuc-CUCCGCGa-GCGG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 219685 | 0.66 | 0.839703 |
Target: 5'- gCCGCCcgaGgaCGAGGAggagcgucGGCGCUCGg- -3' miRNA: 3'- aGGCGGa--CgaGUUCCU--------CCGCGAGCgg -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 208404 | 0.66 | 0.839703 |
Target: 5'- cCCGCCUGCggaugCucuacGGGCGC-CGCUc -3' miRNA: 3'- aGGCGGACGa----Guucc-UCCGCGaGCGG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 171851 | 0.66 | 0.839703 |
Target: 5'- gUCCgGCCgcgGCcggGAGGGGGCGgaaCGCCg -3' miRNA: 3'- -AGG-CGGa--CGag-UUCCUCCGCga-GCGG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 119086 | 0.66 | 0.839703 |
Target: 5'- aCCGgUcGCgCGAGGAGGUGCgggCgGCCu -3' miRNA: 3'- aGGCgGaCGaGUUCCUCCGCGa--G-CGG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 100866 | 0.66 | 0.839703 |
Target: 5'- gCCGCaCUGCaggUUGAGGAaGCGgaUGCCg -3' miRNA: 3'- aGGCG-GACG---AGUUCCUcCGCgaGCGG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 224705 | 0.66 | 0.839703 |
Target: 5'- cCCGcCCUGCUgGGGccGGCcGC-CGCCc -3' miRNA: 3'- aGGC-GGACGAgUUCcuCCG-CGaGCGG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 128985 | 0.66 | 0.835029 |
Target: 5'- uUCCGCCUGCugcguuucuUCAacgcgcacuggggccGGGAGGaGUUCGaaCCg -3' miRNA: 3'- -AGGCGGACG---------AGU---------------UCCUCCgCGAGC--GG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 128668 | 0.66 | 0.831879 |
Target: 5'- cUCCuCCUGCUgcGGGAgacccuGGCGaaCGCCg -3' miRNA: 3'- -AGGcGGACGAguUCCU------CCGCgaGCGG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 102679 | 0.66 | 0.831879 |
Target: 5'- gCCGCCcGCUgucCGGGGAGGaCGUg-GCUg -3' miRNA: 3'- aGGCGGaCGA---GUUCCUCC-GCGagCGG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 132523 | 0.66 | 0.831879 |
Target: 5'- gCCGCCgcgguccccGCUCcgcGGGcGGCGC-CGUCg -3' miRNA: 3'- aGGCGGa--------CGAGu--UCCuCCGCGaGCGG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 221694 | 0.66 | 0.831879 |
Target: 5'- cCCGCCcgGCgacgCucGGccucGGGUGCUaCGCCg -3' miRNA: 3'- aGGCGGa-CGa---GuuCC----UCCGCGA-GCGG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 226838 | 0.66 | 0.823891 |
Target: 5'- gUCCGCC-GCcgUCAAGGcGGaGCagGCCg -3' miRNA: 3'- -AGGCGGaCG--AGUUCCuCCgCGagCGG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 187310 | 0.66 | 0.823891 |
Target: 5'- cCCGCC-GCUCGccucGcGGCGCcCGCCc -3' miRNA: 3'- aGGCGGaCGAGUuc--CuCCGCGaGCGG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 213036 | 0.66 | 0.823891 |
Target: 5'- gUCCGCCgGCUgCGGGGGauCGagaUCGCCc -3' miRNA: 3'- -AGGCGGaCGA-GUUCCUccGCg--AGCGG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 191203 | 0.66 | 0.823891 |
Target: 5'- cUCCGUCgGCUCGGucuuccccGGGGGCGUccccgGCCu -3' miRNA: 3'- -AGGCGGaCGAGUU--------CCUCCGCGag---CGG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 129192 | 0.66 | 0.823891 |
Target: 5'- -aCG-CUGCg-GAGGAGGCcGC-CGCCg -3' miRNA: 3'- agGCgGACGagUUCCUCCG-CGaGCGG- -5' |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 179476 | 0.66 | 0.823891 |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 225901 | 0.66 | 0.815746 |
9339 | 3' | -60.3 | NC_002512.2 | + | 189502 | 0.66 | 0.815746 |
Target: 5'- aCCGCCagguggagacGCUCcGGGcccGG-GCUCGCCg -3' miRNA: 3'- aGGCGGa---------CGAGuUCCu--CCgCGAGCGG- -5' |
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When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.
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