miRNA display CGI

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GenBank Identifier RefSeq Acc. Name
10645641 NC_002568.1 Sesbania mosaic virus

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ID strand start position length sRNA loop score core MFE. NP ORF Known viral miRNA Match to own genomic region# Target prediction with RNAhybrid
9577 + 661 89 21 -19.5 NP_066392 5' arm      3' arm
9578 + 974 88 26 -23.5 NP_066392 5' arm      3' arm
9579 + 2481 88 23 -20.2 NP_066392 5' arm      3' arm
9580 + 2658 89 26 -28.4 NP_066392 5' arm      3' arm
9581 + 2827 90 26 -21.1 NP_066392 5' arm      3' arm
9582 + 3319 88 19 -20.2 NP_066392 5' arm      3' arm
9583 - 2239 90 24 -21.5 NP_066392 5' arm      3' arm
9584 - 3345 90 21.5 -28.8 NP_066392 5' arm      3' arm
9585 - 4024 89 20 -20.7 NP_066394 5' arm      3' arm
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# Note: We used the same viral genomic sequence for potential target identification for viral miRNAs. It is likely that viral miRNA could serve as a self-mediated feedback regulation.

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TDL, Institute of Biomedical Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
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