miRNA display CGI

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ID Location Perfect MFE.* RefSeq Acc. strand Start Position R_P_ratio# P value
Predicted miRNA align pattern
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 14134 0.67 0.741947
Target:  5'- gGUGGGCagucgCuCGCGAGG-ACG-CUCCAg -3'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 14019 0.67 0.75147
Target:  5'- gGUGAGCUCUGCGAuGGccaGCGgggCCAu -3'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 23192 0.67 0.75147
Target:  5'- aGCGAGCgcgCCGCGGGGcccgcagcgGCGg--CCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- gCGCUCGa--GGCGCUCCa--------UGCagaGGU- -5'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 85560 0.67 0.767421
Target:  5'- uGCG-GCgCCGCGAGGUucggcgccgcgaccGCGgcCUCCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- gCGCuCGaGGCGCUCCA--------------UGCa-GAGGU- -5'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 28433 0.67 0.770201
Target:  5'- cCGCGcGCaCCGCGGccGGccaugGCGUCUCCc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCGCuCGaGGCGCU--CCa----UGCAGAGGu -5'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 95210 0.67 0.770201
Target:  5'- cCGCccGC-CCGCGcGGUGCGUgUUCCAg -3'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 106823 0.67 0.770201
Target:  5'- cCGCcAGCagCGCGuGGUgcGCGUCgUCCAg -3'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 93925 0.67 0.779393
Target:  5'- cCGCGGGCuugcgccgUCCGCGGGcgcCGcCUCCGg -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCGCUCG--------AGGCGCUCcauGCaGAGGU- -5'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 135100 0.66 0.797384
Target:  5'- gGCG-GCggagCGCGAGGcggaccccGCGUCUCCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- gCGCuCGag--GCGCUCCa-------UGCAGAGGU- -5'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 79429 0.66 0.797384
Target:  5'- gGCGAGCUCgGCGcgcGuGUACacCUCCAg -3'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 47097 0.66 0.797384
Target:  5'- gGCGGGCcagagcccgUCCGUGAGG-ACGUgcgcgUCCAg -3'
miRNA:   3'- gCGCUCG---------AGGCGCUCCaUGCAg----AGGU- -5'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 22047 0.66 0.797384
Target:  5'- --gGGGCUCCgGCGGGGUucaGgggCUCCGg -3'
miRNA:   3'- gcgCUCGAGG-CGCUCCAug-Ca--GAGGU- -5'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 70347 0.66 0.797384
Target:  5'- aGCGGGCcggggaCCGgGAGGcggcGCGcCUCCAc -3'
miRNA:   3'- gCGCUCGa-----GGCgCUCCa---UGCaGAGGU- -5'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 55043 0.66 0.806167
Target:  5'- cCGCGcAGCUgCGCGGGGccgGCGagCUCg- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCGC-UCGAgGCGCUCCa--UGCa-GAGgu -5'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 65590 0.66 0.809638
Target:  5'- cCGCGAGCUCCugcucgccggggucgGCGAcGUACG-CgCCGa -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCGCUCGAGG---------------CGCUcCAUGCaGaGGU- -5'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 46660 0.66 0.814797
Target:  5'- gGCGaAGUUCCGCGcguuGGccGCGcgCUCCAc -3'
miRNA:   3'- gCGC-UCGAGGCGCu---CCa-UGCa-GAGGU- -5'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 104075 0.66 0.823266
Target:  5'- gCGCGuccAGCUCgGCGgacAGGgcgGCGgcgCUCCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCGC---UCGAGgCGC---UCCa--UGCa--GAGGU- -5'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 4185 0.66 0.823266
Target:  5'- cCGCGAGCUUCGCGcucugcagccAGGccaugGCGUCg--- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCGCUCGAGGCGC----------UCCa----UGCAGaggu -5'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 99597 0.66 0.831567
Target:  5'- aGCGAGUccaCCGCGA---GCGUCgUCCAc -3'
23812 3' -58.3 NC_005261.1 + 57294 0.66 0.831567
Target:  5'- uCGCGAGCagCCGCGcg--ACGUCcucgUCCAu -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GCGCUCGa-GGCGCuccaUGCAG----AGGU- -5'
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      When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.

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