miRNA display CGI

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ID Location Perfect MFE.* RefSeq Acc. strand Start Position R_P_ratio# P value
Predicted miRNA align pattern
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 627 0.66 0.667324
Target:  5'- -gCUCGAggcUGGCGCggaccUCGuCGAGGCGCUc -3'
miRNA:   3'- agGAGUU---ACUGCG-----AGC-GCUCUGCGGu -5'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 978 0.69 0.514124
Target:  5'- -gCUCAAcgaGGCGCUUGcCGAGAgcaCGCCAa -3'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 1302 0.67 0.589875
Target:  5'- aUCCUCAA--GCGUgaGCGcGACGCCGc -3'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 3506 0.66 0.678337
Target:  5'- -gCUCGccgucUGGCGuCUCGCGAG-CGUCAu -3'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 5092 0.66 0.656276
Target:  5'- cCCgagcgaCAGUGACGUUgaCGCGGGAUugGCCGc -3'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 5246 0.66 0.676138
Target:  5'- gCCUCcaacgcgaaugGGUGGCGCguggugggugcgCGaCGGGACGCCc -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGGAG-----------UUACUGCGa-----------GC-GCUCUGCGGu -5'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 5703 0.67 0.616393
Target:  5'- cCCUCGAUGGCGggacucggccgucuaCUCGCGGGccgagguCGUCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGGAGUUACUGC---------------GAGCGCUCu------GCGGU- -5'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 7638 0.7 0.442639
Target:  5'- -aCUCAuggGGCGCUUGgGcGGCGCCGa -3'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 8336 0.66 0.656276
Target:  5'- uUCCUCAucgGGCGCguggaGCGgcuggaagaaagGGugGCCGg -3'
miRNA:   3'- -AGGAGUua-CUGCGag---CGC------------UCugCGGU- -5'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 9862 0.66 0.645206
Target:  5'- -gCUCGGUG-CGCUcCGCGAcGCGCUc -3'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 12997 0.66 0.70022
Target:  5'- gCCgcCAGUGGCacuacCUCGCcauGAGGCGCCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGGa-GUUACUGc----GAGCG---CUCUGCGGU- -5'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 14920 0.69 0.48182
Target:  5'- gCCggcUggUGGCGCUCGCGGccgcuguguugcuGACGCUg -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGGa--GuuACUGCGAGCGCU-------------CUGCGGu -5'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 16969 0.68 0.546196
Target:  5'- uUCCacgaGAUGACGCUC-CGGgcccgcGACGCCGa -3'
miRNA:   3'- -AGGag--UUACUGCGAGcGCU------CUGCGGU- -5'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 17020 0.66 0.689307
Target:  5'- ----gGAUGGgcgcUGCUCGCGuauGACGCCAa -3'
miRNA:   3'- aggagUUACU----GCGAGCGCu--CUGCGGU- -5'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 17525 0.7 0.452517
Target:  5'- uUCCUCAucgggAUGGgGCUCGC-AGuCGCCu -3'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 19041 0.67 0.600906
Target:  5'- cUCCUCcagcaagGGCGCUCGCcAGugcCGCCu -3'
miRNA:   3'- -AGGAGuua----CUGCGAGCGcUCu--GCGGu -5'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 20563 0.67 0.600906
Target:  5'- -gCUgGuUGAUGCUCuGCuGAGACGCCu -3'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 20966 0.7 0.442639
Target:  5'- gCCUgAAUGGCGCgCGCGuuGCGCg- -3'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 21605 0.68 0.557033
Target:  5'- --aUCAugcGUGGCGCgagcgacccgCGCGAGACgGCCAu -3'
miRNA:   3'- aggAGU---UACUGCGa---------GCGCUCUG-CGGU- -5'
11413 5' -55.4 NC_003085.1 + 22337 0.68 0.572304
Target:  5'- aUCCgCAGgccaggaauggaggGAUGC-CGUGAGGCGCCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -AGGaGUUa-------------CUGCGaGCGCUCUGCGGU- -5'
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      When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.

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