miRNA display CGI

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ID Location Perfect MFE.* RefSeq Acc. strand Start Position R_P_ratio# P value
Predicted miRNA align pattern
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 140461 0.72 0.432735
Target:  5'- --gGCGGGa-UCAUGGACGCGCUgGAc -3'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 98235 0.72 0.436304
Target:  5'- cGCGCggacccucuuauaauGGAggcGCUCGUGcGCGCGCUCGAg -3'
miRNA:   3'- aUGCG---------------CCU---CGAGUACcUGCGCGAGCU- -5'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 25111 0.72 0.459907
Target:  5'- cUGCGUGcGAGCgcugggCGUGGACGCGCg--- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -AUGCGC-CUCGa-----GUACCUGCGCGagcu -5'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 119120 0.72 0.459907
Target:  5'- cGCGCGGccGGcCUCGUGGGgGCGCUgGu -3'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 118946 0.72 0.469165
Target:  5'- gACGCGGcGCugUCGcUGGAgGCGCUCGu -3'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 94979 0.72 0.478517
Target:  5'- -uCGCGGAGCga---GACGCGCUCGu -3'
miRNA:   3'- auGCGCCUCGaguacCUGCGCGAGCu -5'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 71203 0.71 0.487959
Target:  5'- -uCGCaGGAGCUCguguccgugaccGUGGGCGCGCgcgcCGAc -3'
miRNA:   3'- auGCG-CCUCGAG------------UACCUGCGCGa---GCU- -5'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 112838 0.71 0.487959
Target:  5'- cGCGCGuGcucacGCUCGUGGACGUGCagCGGc -3'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 89057 0.71 0.507101
Target:  5'- gUGCGCGGuGGCcuugucgcCGUGGACGCGCgucCGGu -3'
miRNA:   3'- -AUGCGCC-UCGa-------GUACCUGCGCGa--GCU- -5'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 139647 0.71 0.507101
Target:  5'- gGCGCGGGGgUCGcggcGGGCGCGCcgccCGAc -3'
miRNA:   3'- aUGCGCCUCgAGUa---CCUGCGCGa---GCU- -5'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 3137 0.7 0.556235
Target:  5'- gGCGCGGGGCgcccucGGCGgGCUCGGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- aUGCGCCUCGaguac-CUGCgCGAGCU- -5'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 99889 0.7 0.556235
Target:  5'- cGCGCGGAccuggcgcagguGCUgaCGUGGGCGCGCgacuaCGGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- aUGCGCCU------------CGA--GUACCUGCGCGa----GCU- -5'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 4486 0.7 0.566239
Target:  5'- --aGCGGcGGCUCAUGGccACGgCGCUCa- -3'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 119435 0.7 0.566239
Target:  5'- gACGCGGGcacGUUCGUGGGC-CGCggCGAc -3'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 23017 0.7 0.576289
Target:  5'- gGCGCGGGGgUgGUGGAgGCGg-CGAa -3'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 115575 0.7 0.576289
Target:  5'- gGCGCGcGGGCa---GGuCGCGCUCGAg -3'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 73058 0.7 0.586379
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 131573 0.7 0.586379
Target:  5'- -cCGCGucGCUCAUGGugGuCGCUgCGGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- auGCGCcuCGAGUACCugC-GCGA-GCU- -5'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 2779 0.69 0.60665
Target:  5'- cGCGCGGAGCUCGcggcacccGGGCcaGCGCaCGGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- aUGCGCCUCGAGUa-------CCUG--CGCGaGCU- -5'
29529 5' -58.1 NC_006151.1 + 102619 0.69 0.60665
Target:  5'- --aGCGGGcGCgcgaCGUGaGCGCGCUCGAg -3'
miRNA:   3'- augCGCCU-CGa---GUACcUGCGCGAGCU- -5'
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      When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.

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