miRNA display CGI

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ID Location Perfect MFE.* RefSeq Acc. strand Start Position R_P_ratio# P value
Predicted miRNA align pattern
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 124448 0.66 0.677001
Target:  5'- cGGcgcGGGCCgCgCCCGGGCGCgACCgGAg -3'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 21635 0.66 0.677001
Target:  5'- cGGcgcGGGCCgCgCCCGGGCGCgACCgGAg -3'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 50018 0.66 0.687068
Target:  5'- -----cGCCUgcugggcCCCGGGCGCGCCgUGAu -3'
miRNA:   3'- uccauuCGGGa------GGGUCCGCGUGG-ACU- -5'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 48527 0.66 0.69709
Target:  5'- -cGUuguGGCCCgCCUcgAGGCGCGCCcgGAg -3'
miRNA:   3'- ucCAu--UCGGGaGGG--UCCGCGUGGa-CU- -5'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 128030 0.66 0.69709
Target:  5'- cAGGagGAGCCCggCCguGGCGCcuACgUGGu -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UCCa-UUCGGGa-GGguCCGCG--UGgACU- -5'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 104481 0.66 0.69709
Target:  5'- cGGGUA-GCCCUCCaaCAGcGCcaGCACCg-- -3'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 15124 0.66 0.716963
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 73649 0.66 0.716963
Target:  5'- ---gGAGCagaUCCC-GGCGUACCUGGa -3'
miRNA:   3'- uccaUUCGgg-AGGGuCCGCGUGGACU- -5'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 3412 0.66 0.716963
Target:  5'- cGGGaGAGCag-CCCGGGgGCGCCa-- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UCCaUUCGggaGGGUCCgCGUGGacu -5'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 35284 0.66 0.69709
Target:  5'- gAGGUAacguacugcgcAGCCCcgCCgAgcGGCGCGCgCUGGa -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UCCAU-----------UCGGGa-GGgU--CCGCGUG-GACU- -5'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 62653 0.66 0.677001
Target:  5'- cGGcGAGCCCggcuauuauagCCUcaAGGCGCGCCg-- -3'
miRNA:   3'- uCCaUUCGGGa----------GGG--UCCGCGUGGacu -5'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 103889 0.67 0.656768
Target:  5'- cAGGUgcacgaucGAGCacaUUUCCGGGCGCGCCc-- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UCCA--------UUCGg--GAGGGUCCGCGUGGacu -5'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 9690 0.67 0.646618
Target:  5'- cGGGgcaagcccGCCCUCCCcGGaCGCGCCc-- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UCCauu-----CGGGAGGGuCC-GCGUGGacu -5'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 19854 0.67 0.636456
Target:  5'- ----uGGCCCgcgCCCGGGgGCGCCg-- -3'
miRNA:   3'- uccauUCGGGa--GGGUCCgCGUGGacu -5'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 96975 0.67 0.626291
Target:  5'- cGGGUAcGGCCgCUUCCGgucccucggggcGGCGCGCCg-- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UCCAU-UCGG-GAGGGU------------CCGCGUGGacu -5'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 103036 0.67 0.626291
Target:  5'- cGG-GGGCCCgagCCCGGGCcucGCGCCccGAc -3'
miRNA:   3'- uCCaUUCGGGa--GGGUCCG---CGUGGa-CU- -5'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 135059 0.67 0.626291
Target:  5'- aGGGgcgGAGCCCagagcgggCCCGGGCcCGCCg-- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UCCa--UUCGGGa-------GGGUCCGcGUGGacu -5'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 78312 0.67 0.64357
Target:  5'- cGGcUGGGCCgcccccuccccgcgCcCCCAGGCGCGCCg-- -3'
miRNA:   3'- uCC-AUUCGG--------------GaGGGUCCGCGUGGacu -5'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 39608 0.67 0.646618
Target:  5'- cGGcgcGGCCCcagcCCCAGGgGCaaGCCUGGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- uCCau-UCGGGa---GGGUCCgCG--UGGACU- -5'
6688 3' -59.7 NC_001847.1 + 112503 0.67 0.646618
Target:  5'- cGGGgcaagcccGCCCUCCCcGGaCGCGCCc-- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UCCauu-----CGGGAGGGuCC-GCGUGGacu -5'
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      When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.

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