miRNA display CGI

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ID Location Perfect MFE.* RefSeq Acc. strand Start Position R_P_ratio# P value
Predicted miRNA align pattern
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 29667 0.66 0.832377
Target:  5'- gAAGUCAugUCGGGCGuCCAccuCGCGaCGUg -3'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 4939 0.72 0.443572
Target:  5'- aGAGUCGUCcggcgggugcuGGGCACC-AC-CGCGCAg -3'
miRNA:   3'- gUUCAGUAG-----------CUCGUGGuUGuGCGCGU- -5'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 13806 0.66 0.832377
Target:  5'- -cAGUCugcgUGgagguGGCGCCAugACGUGCAg -3'
miRNA:   3'- guUCAGua--GC-----UCGUGGUugUGCGCGU- -5'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 7494 0.66 0.810494
Target:  5'- aCGGGcguccgCGUCGAGCgguugcaggacaucACCGACgaggACGCGCGg -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GUUCa-----GUAGCUCG--------------UGGUUG----UGCGCGU- -5'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 46279 0.66 0.803617
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 30895 0.73 0.423647
Target:  5'- aAGGUCAUCcagaAGUACCAACugGCGg- -3'
miRNA:   3'- gUUCAGUAGc---UCGUGGUUGugCGCgu -5'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 46719 0.72 0.464014
Target:  5'- gGAGUCcUUGGGCagcGCCuuCGCGCGCGc -3'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 38324 0.71 0.528054
Target:  5'- --cGUCGugccuaaagcUCGGGC-CUGGCACGCGCAa -3'
miRNA:   3'- guuCAGU----------AGCUCGuGGUUGUGCGCGU- -5'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 47866 0.7 0.572516
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 23418 0.7 0.583783
Target:  5'- gCGAGUCAUgcAGCGcuucgcCCAGCAgGCGCAg -3'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 6527 0.7 0.583783
Target:  5'- gGAGUCcgCcaaacuGGCACgGACugGCGCAg -3'
miRNA:   3'- gUUCAGuaGc-----UCGUGgUUGugCGCGU- -5'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 9742 0.69 0.617805
Target:  5'- --cGUCAUgGAGU-CCAGgGCGCGCu -3'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 19518 0.69 0.617805
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 46908 0.69 0.651945
Target:  5'- aAGGUCGUCaccgcGGCAggcggcacagguUCGGCGCGCGCAg -3'
miRNA:   3'- gUUCAGUAGc----UCGU------------GGUUGUGCGCGU- -5'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 8507 0.69 0.663301
Target:  5'- -cAGUaCGaCGcGCACCAGCGgGCGCAg -3'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 38511 0.68 0.674626
Target:  5'- cCAGGgCA-CGAGCGCauuCAUGCGCAa -3'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 37429 0.68 0.708294
Target:  5'- -cAGUgCGgcuagCGAGCGCCAACccCGCGCc -3'
miRNA:   3'- guUCA-GUa----GCUCGUGGUUGu-GCGCGu -5'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 21315 0.68 0.730361
Target:  5'- aCAAGgaaAUCGAccuCGUCAGCACGCGCAu -3'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 28047 0.67 0.741243
Target:  5'- --uGUCGgagcCGAGCGCCuuCACGCcaguGCAg -3'
miRNA:   3'- guuCAGUa---GCUCGUGGuuGUGCG----CGU- -5'
11429 5' -52.5 NC_003085.1 + 44189 0.67 0.77313
Target:  5'- cCAGGgcguccCGUCGcGCACCcacCACGCGCc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -GUUCa-----GUAGCuCGUGGuu-GUGCGCGu -5'
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      When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.

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