miRNA display CGI

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ID Location Perfect MFE.* RefSeq Acc. strand Start Position R_P_ratio# P value
Predicted miRNA align pattern
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 1723 1.11 0.000704
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 1578 0.85 0.055086
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 17239 0.8 0.120385
Target:  5'- ---cUGCGACu---CGCGCACCGCGCa -3'
miRNA:   3'- cuuaACGCUGcgauGCGCGUGGCGCG- -5'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 43913 0.77 0.168423
Target:  5'- ----cGCGGCGCcaggcccuuUGCGCGCACuuCGCGCa -3'
miRNA:   3'- cuuaaCGCUGCG---------AUGCGCGUG--GCGCG- -5'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 47081 0.77 0.177937
Target:  5'- gGAGUaccUGCGAgaGCU-CGCGCGCCGCGg -3'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 34272 0.77 0.187925
Target:  5'- ----cGCGGCGCUG-GCGCACCG-GCu -3'
miRNA:   3'- cuuaaCGCUGCGAUgCGCGUGGCgCG- -5'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 24533 0.77 0.193102
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 1078 0.76 0.198404
Target:  5'- ---aUGCGGCGCUGCu--CGCCGCGCu -3'
miRNA:   3'- cuuaACGCUGCGAUGcgcGUGGCGCG- -5'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 39044 0.76 0.198404
Target:  5'- ----gGCGAgCGCUGCGCGUACCuGCuGCu -3'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 14268 0.76 0.198404
Target:  5'- aGAcgUGCGGCcagGCUGCuGCcgucaaGCGCCGCGCa -3'
miRNA:   3'- -CUuaACGCUG---CGAUG-CG------CGUGGCGCG- -5'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 22369 0.75 0.258664
Target:  5'- ----gGCGcCGCUACGUGUACCGCc- -3'
miRNA:   3'- cuuaaCGCuGCGAUGCGCGUGGCGcg -5'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 3402 0.75 0.258664
Target:  5'- ----cGCGACGCgUACgugaaaGCGUAUCGCGCg -3'
miRNA:   3'- cuuaaCGCUGCG-AUG------CGCGUGGCGCG- -5'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 45758 0.74 0.279453
Target:  5'- ----cGCGugGC-ACGuCGCGCUGCGUg -3'
miRNA:   3'- cuuaaCGCugCGaUGC-GCGUGGCGCG- -5'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 14905 0.74 0.286672
Target:  5'- ---gUGCGGCGC-ACGCGgGCCG-GCu -3'
miRNA:   3'- cuuaACGCUGCGaUGCGCgUGGCgCG- -5'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 3885 0.74 0.279453
Target:  5'- gGAGUUGCaGCGCauugagGC-CGCGCUGCGCg -3'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 43204 0.74 0.286672
Target:  5'- ----cGCGGCGUccuCGUGCAgCGCGCg -3'
miRNA:   3'- cuuaaCGCUGCGau-GCGCGUgGCGCG- -5'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 8686 0.74 0.279453
Target:  5'- ----cGCGACGCgUGCGCGCACuuCGgGUg -3'
miRNA:   3'- cuuaaCGCUGCG-AUGCGCGUG--GCgCG- -5'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 20588 0.73 0.33307
Target:  5'- ---cUGCGACuGCUGCucgGCaGCGCCGCGg -3'
miRNA:   3'- cuuaACGCUG-CGAUG---CG-CGUGGCGCg -5'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 28706 0.73 0.324969
Target:  5'- ----cGCGGaGCUGCGCGCuggccCUGCGCu -3'
miRNA:   3'- cuuaaCGCUgCGAUGCGCGu----GGCGCG- -5'
11508 3' -54.8 NC_003085.1 + 10809 0.73 0.33307
Target:  5'- ---gUGCGA-GUggaaACGCGCACCGgGCa -3'
miRNA:   3'- cuuaACGCUgCGa---UGCGCGUGGCgCG- -5'
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      When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.

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