miRNA display CGI

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ID Location Perfect MFE.* RefSeq Acc. strand Start Position R_P_ratio# P value
Predicted miRNA align pattern
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 25065 0.66 0.51955
Target:  5'- aAGCa-GCGCCGCC-ACCUCaACAAg- -3'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 44841 0.66 0.47912
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 39664 0.66 0.47912
Target:  5'- --aGCGCGCCcUCUuCCUCGACAucguGCUu -3'
miRNA:   3'- ucgCGCGCGGcGGAuGGAGCUGU----UGA- -5'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 26828 0.66 0.47912
Target:  5'- uGGCGcCGCuCCGCUgagUGCCUCGuCGAUc -3'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 48689 0.66 0.499153
Target:  5'- uGCGgGCGCCGaCCUGCgugucgauugggUUCGGCuuCUu -3'
miRNA:   3'- uCGCgCGCGGC-GGAUG------------GAGCUGuuGA- -5'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 22106 0.66 0.509308
Target:  5'- cGGaCGCGCGCaaGgCUGCgCUCGACAuGCg -3'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 2519 0.66 0.509308
Target:  5'- uGGUGgGgaacaaGCCGCCgGCgUCGGCGGCUu -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UCGCgCg-----CGGCGGaUGgAGCUGUUGA- -5'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 51148 0.66 0.47912
Target:  5'- cGGCGgagagaGaCGUCGUCUGCCUCGugGAg- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UCGCg-----C-GCGGCGGAUGGAGCugUUga -5'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 56585 0.66 0.51955
Target:  5'- uGCGCaGCGCCGCgCUcauCCUCGuuuGACc -3'
miRNA:   3'- uCGCG-CGCGGCG-GAu--GGAGCug-UUGa -5'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 21299 0.66 0.47912
Target:  5'- cGCGUuCGCCGCCUcGCCggCGAUAu-- -3'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 14668 0.66 0.51955
Target:  5'- cGCcUGCGCCGCCgGCCgcuugCGcCGGCa -3'
miRNA:   3'- uCGcGCGCGGCGGaUGGa----GCuGUUGa -5'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 42943 0.66 0.529871
Target:  5'- -uCGCGgGCCgGCCggcaGCCUCGAauacCAGCa -3'
miRNA:   3'- ucGCGCgCGG-CGGa---UGGAGCU----GUUGa -5'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 20273 0.66 0.529871
Target:  5'- gGGCGCGUuacGCgCGCCUcucugACCgaggcugcCGGCAGCg -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UCGCGCG---CG-GCGGA-----UGGa-------GCUGUUGa -5'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 16747 0.66 0.529871
Target:  5'- cGGCGaGUucauGCCGCuCUGCaCUCGACAuuucGCUg -3'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 35126 0.66 0.509308
Target:  5'- cAGCGC-CGUCGCCguugACCUCaGCGcCUu -3'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 19392 0.66 0.509308
Target:  5'- cGGCGCGCGUCGC--GCCgugcaugaggUCGGCuagauGCUg -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UCGCGCGCGGCGgaUGG----------AGCUGu----UGA- -5'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 44345 0.66 0.489088
Target:  5'- cGGCGCGCGCUGCgc-CCUUGAa---- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UCGCGCGCGGCGgauGGAGCUguuga -5'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 2677 0.66 0.509308
Target:  5'- cAGCGCG-GUgGCC-GCUUCGGCAAg- -3'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 35165 0.66 0.489088
Target:  5'- cGGCGC-CGUCGUCUuccagucCCUCGuCAACg -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UCGCGcGCGGCGGAu------GGAGCuGUUGa -5'
12360 5' -59.2 NC_003324.1 + 12116 0.67 0.440294
Target:  5'- cGGaGCGCGCgGCCUcgGCCgggaauuucacCGACAACa -3'
miRNA:   3'- -UCgCGCGCGgCGGA--UGGa----------GCUGUUGa -5'
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      When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.

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