miRNA display CGI

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ID Location Perfect MFE.* RefSeq Acc. strand Start Position R_P_ratio# P value
Predicted miRNA align pattern
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 28358 0.66 0.330337
Target:  5'- gUCGCCaCGAcGCuGCGCGCGcuCGgcGUg -3'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 27656 0.66 0.330337
Target:  5'- gCGCgCUGAGCugccgcGCGCGCGGCu----- -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGCG-GGCUCGu-----CGCGCGCCGcuucaa -5'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 33949 0.66 0.330337
Target:  5'- gCGCUcggCGAGCAcgucGCGUGCGGCGuccGUc -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGCGG---GCUCGU----CGCGCGCCGCuu-CAa -5'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 31387 0.66 0.322458
Target:  5'- gCGCUCGgcguAGCGGUGCGUGccgugguucaGCGggGUa -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGCGGGC----UCGUCGCGCGC----------CGCuuCAa -5'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 17741 0.66 0.322458
Target:  5'- aUCGUgCCGAcGUcGCcaaGCGCGGCGAGGa- -3'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 19354 0.66 0.31472
Target:  5'- aUGCUCGcgcAGCAgacGCGUGCGGCGAc--- -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGCGGGC---UCGU---CGCGCGCCGCUucaa -5'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 14251 0.66 0.31472
Target:  5'- gCGCCCGA-CAGCGCGUGcaauCGAcGUa -3'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 21389 0.66 0.31472
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 27414 0.66 0.299668
Target:  5'- cUCGUCUGcGCGccgcuGCGCGUGGCGcAGUc -3'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 28294 0.66 0.299668
Target:  5'- -aGCgCGcGCAGCGuCGUGGCGAcuuGUUg -3'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 37850 0.67 0.285179
Target:  5'- aUUGCCCGccguAGCgGGCGCGguuguuaGGCGGAGa- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -AGCGGGC----UCG-UCGCGCg------CCGCUUCaa -5'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 1687 0.67 0.285179
Target:  5'- aUCGcCCCGAGCacgagcgcaAGCuGCGCGGCa----- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -AGC-GGGCUCG---------UCG-CGCGCCGcuucaa -5'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 4692 0.67 0.285179
Target:  5'- aUCGCgCCGgcGGCcaccGGCGcCGCGGCGAGc-- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -AGCG-GGC--UCG----UCGC-GCGCCGCUUcaa -5'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 15013 0.67 0.278144
Target:  5'- cCGCCCGAGCugauGCuCGCGcUGAAGa- -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGCGGGCUCGu---CGcGCGCcGCUUCaa -5'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 9733 0.67 0.278144
Target:  5'- aCGCCCG-GCAGCugaacaagcuuGCGUggauGGUGGAGUc -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGCGGGCuCGUCG-----------CGCG----CCGCUUCAa -5'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 18315 0.67 0.271248
Target:  5'- cUCGCCCGuGaCGGUGCcCGGCGuGGc- -3'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 27773 0.67 0.264491
Target:  5'- cCGCCguCGAGU-GCuaCGCGGCGAGGUa -3'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 28413 0.67 0.25787
Target:  5'- gUCGCagCCGAGC-GCGCGCaGGCGcucGUg -3'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 31186 0.67 0.251386
Target:  5'- gUGCUCGGGCAuGCGCGCGuaGAu--- -3'
miRNA:   3'- aGCGGGCUCGU-CGCGCGCcgCUucaa -5'
28114 5' -61.4 NC_005887.1 + 7124 0.67 0.251386
Target:  5'- -aGgCgGGGCGGCGCuGCGGCGccGUUc -3'
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      When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.

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