miRNA display CGI

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ID Location Perfect MFE.* RefSeq Acc. strand Start Position R_P_ratio# P value
Predicted miRNA align pattern
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 96 0.68 0.457712
Target:  5'- gGC-GCGCCcccggGCcCCGcCGcCCGCGCCGg -3'
miRNA:   3'- -CGaCGCGGa----CGaGGUaGC-GGCGCGGC- -5'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 169 0.7 0.381412
Target:  5'- cGCUGcCGCC-GCcgCCGcCGCCGcCGCCa -3'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 176 0.67 0.528035
Target:  5'- gGCUgGCGCCccuggUGCUCCcggggccagcggUGCCGCcGCCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -CGA-CGCGG-----ACGAGGua----------GCGGCG-CGGC- -5'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 216 0.71 0.350333
Target:  5'- gGCcGCGCCggGCUgCGggcCGCCGCaGCCGc -3'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 1155 0.66 0.580335
Target:  5'- cCUGCGCCgccauggGUgCCcgCGCCuccGCGCCu -3'
miRNA:   3'- cGACGCGGa------CGaGGuaGCGG---CGCGGc -5'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 1167 0.72 0.287173
Target:  5'- cGC-GCGCCgGC-CCG-CGCCGCgGCCGg -3'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 1313 0.71 0.335482
Target:  5'- gGCgGCGgCacgcGCUCCGggacgcCGCCGCGCCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -CGaCGCgGa---CGAGGUa-----GCGGCGCGGC- -5'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 1451 0.69 0.448828
Target:  5'- gGCgGCGCCUcggcgugcgGCUCCAgcagcgCgGCCGCGCa- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -CGaCGCGGA---------CGAGGUa-----G-CGGCGCGgc -5'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 1523 0.73 0.238864
Target:  5'- --gGCGCCaGCUCCAgcgcgCGCCGC-CCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- cgaCGCGGaCGAGGUa----GCGGCGcGGC- -5'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 1630 0.81 0.074148
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 1660 0.68 0.46669
Target:  5'- uCUGCGCCcGC-CCA-C-CCGCGCCu -3'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 1695 0.7 0.378223
Target:  5'- aGCUG-GCCgaggGCUCCAuccuggaccucuguUCGCCggagcaggcgucgGCGCCGa -3'
miRNA:   3'- -CGACgCGGa---CGAGGU--------------AGCGG-------------CGCGGC- -5'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 1969 0.72 0.307178
Target:  5'- -gUGCGCCUGC-CCGaCgGCCGgGCCa -3'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 2041 0.68 0.456819
Target:  5'- cGCcGCGCCgcgGCcagCCGcaggcagagguacUCGaCCGCGCCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -CGaCGCGGa--CGa--GGU-------------AGC-GGCGCGGC- -5'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 2656 0.71 0.328231
Target:  5'- gGCaGCGgCgGCUCC--CGCCGCGCUGg -3'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 2688 0.66 0.580335
Target:  5'- gGCggcGCGCCgGCUuuuggCCggCGCCGgGCCc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -CGa--CGCGGaCGA-----GGuaGCGGCgCGGc -5'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 2737 0.66 0.619775
Target:  5'- gGCUGagGCCaGCgcgUCCAucagguucUCGCCGCGCa- -3'
miRNA:   3'- -CGACg-CGGaCG---AGGU--------AGCGGCGCGgc -5'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 2740 0.71 0.321097
Target:  5'- cGCuUGCGCCgcgGCgggCCGUCGCgGCggGCCu -3'
miRNA:   3'- -CG-ACGCGGa--CGa--GGUAGCGgCG--CGGc -5'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 3115 0.74 0.224694
Target:  5'- cGCUGCggagacgcgggguccGCCUcgcGCUCCGcCGCCGgGCCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -CGACG---------------CGGA---CGAGGUaGCGGCgCGGC- -5'
23568 5' -62.2 NC_005261.1 + 3187 0.69 0.422762
Target:  5'- cGCUGcCGCCgcagGCgucggCC-UCGCCGCcgcgGCCGc -3'
miRNA:   3'- -CGAC-GCGGa---CGa----GGuAGCGGCG----CGGC- -5'
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      When operating RNAhybrid, the pipeline first calculates the perfect minimum free energy (Perfect mfe *) of a putative miRNA when the entire putative miRNA binds to a perfectly complementary target site, then it calculates the minimum free energy of RNA duplex (mfe of the miRNA/mRNA duplex), abbreviated as Rd_mfe. An alignment for which the Rd_mfe to its correspondent Perfect mfe ratio (R_P_ratio #) is more than 66% is regarded as a positive alignment as described by Krek et al. (21). The P_value is calculated by RNAhybrid.

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